Let's Play Together!

We are so happy to see how big our bags league(s) have grown over the years. Here's some more information on our league for those who are interested in joining! 

We will have league nights on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the summer at Nettie's Irish Pub, starting from the beginning to the middle of May. Leagues run until the beginning or middle of August and we will have an end-of-the-year tournament and banquet party at the beginning of September to thank all those that spent the summer with us. In addition, before the league starts, we will have a kickoff meeting where we will clue you in on all things bags league.

With that being said, we know the summer can be busy, and the weather isn't always predictable. This means that our leagues allow subs, have scheduled rainout dates that will be made up in August, and we will have specific "off days" during spring and summer holidays. 

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